Are you sick of pumpkin yet?

I’m not… I can’t help it. I’m the lunatic running around buying up all of the cans of pumpkin at this time of year. When you can’t find it in August don’t come crying to me… I’m Elaine from Seinfeld. Only a few are pumpkin worthy. And yes, I realize that you can find pumpkin…

All Woman and Springtime and Korean Beef

I’m a huge fan of literary journeys. I don’t start them on purpose but I guess I like to jump in rabbit holes… and once I’m in that hole, the experience just becomes part of me. One rabbit hole leads to another and the next thing I know I’ve taken a whole adventure that I never planned…

Meal Plan 11/24/12

First my newest breakfast addiction, I like to call it my ‘Breakfast of Champions’: It’s about 1/3 of a bag of the frozen pepper & onion blend sauteed in garlic and olive oil. Add maybe 1-1/2 cups of frozen hashbrowns. Sprinkle with seasoning salt. Brown until yummy and delicious. I like to have 2 clementines and a…

Coffee Milk & a good mystery

I love a good who-done-it. I’m not much for the blood and gore ~ or even the psychological thrillers… But I love the challenge of trying to figure out who and why.. My current favorite is Cleo Coyle’s Coffee House Mysteries. What I like about it: Clare is a funny, nosey independent woman with all…

Vietnamese… and includes a menu plan

This awesome lady introduced me to something Pho-n & fantastic ~ Consider yourself educated on the proper pronunciation of Pho, which is not Foe. Betcha don’t forget. Anyway – this is The Inappropriate Homeschooler. Perhaps you’ve met? If not, stop by and see her… no food though, mostly just laughs. Perhaps one day she’ll teach us how…

Girl Scout Bake Sale Goodness

As promised, here’s the S’more Chippers that were prepared for the Sandy Relief Bake Sale. These sold out, thankfully. Who wants to have the dud item that doesn’t sell? Or is the last to go… the pity sale. People only buy it because nothing else is left and it’s a great cause… Thankfully these weren’t the…

Food of the Gods

I should just be upfront from the beginning… I have a love affair with YA. Sure there are other books that I snuggle up with on cold evenings, but when I’m with YA it’s fast and furious. I’m willing to go without food and sleep just to stay there in that moment. This is my…

Let’s get it started, eh?

I haven’t had time to focus much on anything other than kids, grad school and work. Even hubby has done a lot of fending for himself. He’s a saint. Well, honestly the greatest asset to a grad student is a spouse that’s already been there, done that… They understand and are willing to offer never…